Verilite places your energy assets in the center of and focuses on meeting your financial objectives. Our customers enjoy automated financial management and improved energy performance.
Amount and diversity of assets growing exponentially
Ongoing pressure to cut management and O&M costs
Need to meet financial and technical objectives, while monitoring maintenance
The only way to achieve this is through tight and active management of your energy assets in order to achieve full financial potential.
Verilite can assist you too
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Less man-hours – improvement of management quality – error free
A simple continuous and accurate image that includes maintenance status, energy and money.
Effective tight and multilayered management in real-time, along side with an archive and past performance analyses.
Collecting data from multiple sources
Populating a computerized business-semantic model with these data
Verilite initially developed the solution, to meet its own needs as an energy asset owner. A computerized algorithm gathers data from multiple, diversified sources and generates a coherent view, creating a holistic, continuous, unified real-time image of all of the energy assets, presenting production and consumption data, system performance, performance alerts, automated financial control - accurate –biz-tech status.
Verilite offers the platform over the "cloud" via SaaS (Software as a Service) to Leading companies that are engaged in third party energy asset management and O&M, or Direct customers that own multiple assets. Leading innovative Real Estate companies, kibbutzim, campuses with micro-grid characteristics, or multiple meters Providing a continuous response to the essential and complex needs of managers.
The information stored in the platform is used for intelligent performance analysis and anonymous sharing - for the benefit of all customers.
Veriltie's simplified low-touch connection and service via the "cloud" allows immediate benefit to our customers. The significant rate of adoption in Israel, proves that Verilite's platform is a unique, high-quality solution that provides significant added value to energy asset managers in a hectic, rapidly changing environment.
Financial Module
Solution for financial management of multiple renewable energy systems, meters, consumers, and commercial energy arrangements. Automatic creation of proforma invoices and financial reports. Bridging inherent gaps in financial recording data
Event Management and O&M Control Module
Continuous management, rapid report and closure for O&M events, event log and calendar. Management of periodic maintenance tasks (e.g. panel cleaning), all activity automatically linked to periodic reports
Monitoring Module
Advanced, innovative, unique monitoring tool. All energy assets in one view.
Intelligent comparative performance indicators, action recommendations,
automatic periodic reporting.
Verilite Energy Ltd.
P. O. Box 667, Yavne, 8110601
©️ 2022 Verilite Energy Ltd. | Designed by studio Oish